Moving is Stressful – Minimize it by Planning Your Move Step-by-Step

Seriously thinking about selling your home or have you already? Then, that dreaded task of moving is in your near future. For most, that is an anxiety-causing endeavor. But don’t worry or stress, by following these steps, you can break down an overwhelming task into bite-sized manageable pieces thereby lowering your overall stress.




Step 1 – Get Organized

(Ideally 8 Weeks Ahead of Move)


  • Make a timeline to help guide you through the moving process. Start with a beginning date and an end date for when you want to be done moving out. If you have 6-8 weeks to play with you can go at a more leisurely pace, but any shorter than 6 weeks, you will need to have a concrete and succinct plan of action.


  • Start a notebook with all the information you need and a place to put receipts, inventory, notes, checklists etc… for taxes and for easy access.


  • Research different storage unit facilities if you are going to be placing belongings in storage before you move into a new place.


  • Make a list of jobs that the rest of the family can complete and give them a timeline as well. Research and print out some of the wonderful moving checklists that are available online to help you stay organized and on time!





Step 2 – Make Decisions

(7 Weeks Out)


  • Determine what type of move you will be making. Maybe you plan to do it all yourself or you plan to go the full-service mover route, or maybe a bit of both. If you plan to hire movers, you need to get them scheduled as soon as possible to ensure you aren’t stuck without help. Also, if you plan to use a U-Haul, Budget, or Penske vehicle or some other rental truck service, you want to schedule it as far in advance as you can.


  • Also, if you need help moving furniture and large items and nothing else, utilize some online services that hire individuals for smaller jobs. Look locally to help a neighbor who is in dire need of some work.  NextDoor can be an easy way to elicit some neighborly help without contracts and extra fees.




Step 3 – Get Physical

(6 Weeks Out)


  • Start acquiring boxes and packing supplies. Again, contact your neighbors and local liquor stores for boxes. Ask around for packing materials like newspapers, bubble wrap, and recyclables that you can use to pack your treasures.


  • Start a “garage sale/giveaway pile,” “a move to storage pile,” and “trash pile.” Start going through areas of your home that are for storage or used infrequently. Start organizing the contents into piles and getting rid of as much stuff as possible that will just weigh you down and cause anxiety. Box up items you know that you want but don’t need. Get down to the nitty-gritty and pack up those small kitchen appliances you rarely use and those dishes that are only used for special occasions.


  • Also, create some boxes for valuables that you will definitely be moving yourself and want to keep an eye on! Write down any serial numbers of important items that will be moved by a moving company.


  • Start using up the food in your pantry and freezer so that you have less to move!  (Not to mention, you will save money.) Also, start to clean as you go so that you have less to do when the actual move is on the horizon. Or, better yet, get a professional cleaning service hired to take one more stressor off your plate.




Step 4 – Continue Boxing

(2-4 Weeks Out)


  • Start moving your boxes to an area of your home where they are out of the way but easily accessible when moving day comes. If you have a storage unit that is in a convenient location, start moving loads as often as possible to get a head start.


  • Put boxes that you will be moving yourself, plants, valuables, and essential paperwork in a separate area in clearly marked boxes. (Keep paperwork you may need in the next 30 days easily accessible because you never know when you will need it and when you will unpack).


  • Save your toiletries, medications, bedding, and essential clothing for the last couple of days!




Step 5 – It’s Time

(1 Week)


  • Make sure your helpers are all ready to help on “the day.” Have meals planned out for yourself and your helpers. Plan for childcare of any small children. Check with movers a week ahead of time to make sure all last-minute details are arranged. Pack up your final items and get moving!


  • Make sure you have helpers on the front end and on the back end.




Step 6 – Relax


  • Go ahead, sit back and RELAX!


  • Moving can be very stressful, but if you break it into steps, you will find it much more manageable. You might even get a chance to sit back and relax (at least a little) and congratulate yourself on surviving another move.




If you need help finding the right moving company or cleaning specialists, contact us at 616 REALTY.  We can help you find the right service professionals.